complete at home

  • online check-in as early as possible (usually at least 30 days prior to sail date)

    • obtain boarding day time (needed to check in at terminal)

  • ensure you have the necessary travel documents (passport, etc.)

    • also ensure they are valid for the dates of your cruise (in some cases 6 months after the cruise is required)

  • download cruise line app

  • print cruise line luggage tags

  • plan to arrive in port city early

    • flying - arrive at least one day prior

    • driving - leave extra time for delays

  • complete cruise line health questionnaire


at terminal


on board

  • complete muster drill & muster station check in

  • connect to cruise ship Wi-Fi

  • put phone in airplane mode

  • book dining & show reservations

  • check main dining room reservations and table location

  • sign up for kids clubs

  • check the cruise planner / daily activities

  • DONT wait in the guest services line, if you need to go there wait until evening

  • check cabin (see cabin checklist)

  • have lunch